Thursday, April 5, 2012

Effective Caring For Your Elderly Relatives at Home


Caring for an elderly relative can be an extremely stressful process. If you choose to go into care and deal with the elderly and infirm then you can maintain an air of detachment. However, if you look after a relative, it is impossible to detach yourself from your family role as well as providing effective care. As a result, you will have to deal with all of the emotions that go with caring for a disabled or ill relative. As it is so hard to detach, you may well decide that you need help caring for him or her in order to escape from some of the stress and pressure. There are plenty of options as far as this is concerned owing to a service commonly known as home help. It may be labelled differently in your area but this name sums up just what it is.

Home help is a service that provides an experienced and qualified carer who will come into your home or your relative's home as often as you wish to provide various aspects of care, such as bathing, feeding and dressing. This can be useful in that you could escape the elements of personal hygiene that are necessary. Many individuals cannot cope with the thought of undressing and washing their own flesh and blood, and understandably so. Again, it all goes back to that air of detachment that has previously been mentioned. It may well be easier to have someone to come in to administer that side of things every day whilst you take care of feeding and chores around the home.

As home help carers administer such care for a living, they are schooled in the necessary privacy rules of their trade and can be counted upon to be honest and trustworthy. They all have to pass certain qualifications in order to be able to do their job and thus know what they are doing, although it may be hard not to interfere and make suggestions. Some people therefore choose to meet a home help carer once and then leave them to do their job.

Most home help carers go into a home at least once a day, usually to get the individual out of bed, bathe and dress him or her, but you can choose to have home help as often as you want. Two or three times a day is the usual level, and this is especially popular amongst those caring for elderly relatives and also have a full time job to earn a living.

However, the amount of times that you choose to have a carer in largely depends on what you can afford. The best services can be quite expensive, although there are usually several within one area to choose from. As a result, you can interview until you finally find a service that you are happy with and would trust with your relative. 

You can search for home help services on the Internet or in the local service directories. There are minimum standards that each service has to comply with so always be wary of services that do not boast of their credentials. Check out testimonials and ask around for recommendations. You may also want to take your elderly relative's opinion into considerations. After all, it is your relative that will have the most contact with the home help.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Essential Information About Being Power Of Attorney


One of the most worrying things about looking after elderly family members is money. It is not something that you immediately think of when you become the main carer of a loved one because you are concerned first and foremost with their health and well being, not to mention figuring out how to cope with looking after what is essentially a dependent as well as living your own life. Money does eventually prove to be a pressing issue because your elderly relative will most likely be unable to physically sort out their own affairs and finances, or mentally be unfit to do so. Either way, you will almost certainly become responsible for their money as well as their health.

In order to take care of an elderly relative's financial affairs, you will first need to apply for and be granted power of attorney. In this day and age of fraud and security issues, privacy laws are such that no one individual can interfere in the financial affairs of another unless they have the express permission by the individual in some way, shape or form. If you do need regular access to their finances then you will need power of attorney. It is legally binding and, although it is dependent on the individual's permission because he or she remains the legal owner of any assets, grants unlimited access to their affairs. In effect, it gives you the ability to run their finances for them.

There are essentially two types of power of attorney, ordinary and enduring. The ordinary power of attorney limits your access because it stipulates the matters that you can actually control. For example, your elderly relative may only allow you to sort out bills for them. It is also commonly used when an individual is unable to manage their affairs for a set period of time. Someone may go abroad or have to go into hospital. Whilst they are away and thus unable to attend to their financial affairs than another nominated person may do it for them. The fact that this is for a set period of time means that it will inevitably expire and thus is not a good option for elderly individuals who may permanently be unable to take care of their finances. In any case, and ordinary power of attorney will automatically be revoked if the donor (the named individual that the power of attorney relates to) becomes mentally unfit to cope with his or her financial affairs.

An enduring power of attorney, on the other hand, grants you access to every aspect of their assets. You can effectively run their finances, govern their property and do pretty much as you please with everything they own. As a result, this requires a lot of trust on the part of your relative and you must feel that you are up to the job before accepting the power of attorney. It can actually be established at any time, even if the elderly individual in question is still capable of running his or her affairs, but it does continue if mental capacity is diminished.

It is a huge responsibility to be put in charge of somebody else's financial affairs, especially if the individual in question is also under your care. It can cause a lot of stress for you, especially when you are getting to grips with it all. You must go to a lawyer to establish the power of attorney in the first place, and so he or she may be able to advise you on where to begin.
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